Usage Guide

This document illustrates how to use the condition package.

A Sample Dataframe

For illustration purpose, let’s first get a sample dataframe.

In [1]: import os

In [2]: import pandas as pd

In [3]: from condition import *

In [4]: df = get_test_df()

In [5]: df.tail(10)
date       A  B  C           
2000-03-31 a5 b4 c1 -0.221761
                 c2 -1.209627
                 c3  0.540944
                 c4 -1.806207
                 c5 -0.186576
              b5 c1  0.984005
                 c2  0.415292
                 c3 -1.208667
                 c4 -1.772542
                 c5 -2.531129

The data frame has four index levels: date, A, B, C and a single column: value. The below conditions are constructed based on this data frame.



All conditions are defined on fields. Field is a simple object created from a str and denotes a column in a pandas DataFrame or a sql column.

In [6]: Field('Col1')
Out[6]: Col1

Field List

To make it easy to refer to all fields, you can create a field list. You can do it with a list of strings.

In [7]: fl = FieldList(['date', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'value'])

In [8]: fl
Out[8]: FieldList [A,B,C,date,value]

You can also create a field list from a dataframe. The fields are the index names plus the columns, namely, the index levels and columns are treated in the same way.

In [9]: fl2 = FieldList.from_df(df)

In [10]: fl2
Out[10]: FieldList [A,B,C,date,value]

After creating a field list, you can refer to its field as an attribute.

In [11]: fl.A
Out[11]: A

In [12]: fl.B
Out[12]: B

In [13]:
Out[13]: date

In [14]: fl.value
Out[14]: value

You can also create a Field directly. But using a FieldList gives you the benefit of validation and autocompletion.

In [15]: Field('A') # same as fl.A
Out[15]: A

In [16]: Field('B') # same as fl.B
Out[16]: B

Field Condition

A field condition is formed by:

Field Operator value

All comparision operators (<,<=,>,>=,==,!=) are supported. Besides, in and not in semantics are supported by using == and != with a collection, such as a list, a set or a tuple. Please note that the type of each item in the collection must be the same.

When printed, a condition’s __str__ method is called which returns a SQL where condition clause. When directly referenced, its __repr__ method is called which returns a str that can be parsed back to a condition. In the repr format, T() is for converting a str to a datetime.

In [17]: cond = (fl.A == 'a1')  # cond is a FieldCondtion variable

In [18]: print(cond)  # __str__ format
A = 'a1'

In [19]: cond         # __repr__ format
Out[19]: fl.A = 'a1'

# typically you need not to assign it to a variable. We will see later.
In [20]: fl.value >= 0
Out[20]: fl.value >= 0

In [21]: <= pd.to_datetime('20020101')
Out[21]: <= T('2002-01-01 00:00:00')

# in and not_in
In [22]: fl.A == (['a1', 'a3'])
Out[22]: fl.A == ('a1','a3')

In [23]: fl.B != ( ['b3', 'b5'])
Out[23]: fl.B != ('b3','b5')

Value Types

The type of value in the FieldCondition is important. For in and not in, all the elements of the collection need to be the same type. The type decides two things:

# how to format a result string # how to convert a string to the correct type before comparision

Currently supported types are: all numeric types, a string (quoted), a datetime or pd.Timestamp.

And Condition

An And condition can be created by a constructor with a list of conditions.

In [24]: and1 = And(
   ....:         [
   ....:    >= pd.to_datetime('20000101'),
   ....:    <= pd.to_datetime('20000131'),
   ....:             fl.A == 'a1 a3'.split(),
   ....:             fl.C != 'c3 c5'.split(),
   ....:         ]
   ....:     )

In [25]: and1         # repr format
Out[25]: And([fl.A == ('a1','a3'), fl.C != ('c3','c5'), <= T('2000-01-31 00:00:00'), >= T('2000-01-01 00:00:00')])

In [26]: print(and1)  # str format

	(A in ('a1','a3')
	and C not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00')

or by using & operator:

In [27]: and2 = (( >= pd.to_datetime('20000101'))
   ....:         & ( <= pd.to_datetime('20000131'))
   ....:         & (fl.A == 'a1 a3'.split())
   ....:         & (fl.C != 'c3 c5'.split())
   ....:         )

In [28]: print(and2)

	(A in ('a1','a3')
	and C not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00')


Although it seems & is more convenient, it is a bitwise operator and its precedence is higher than ==, >= and etc.. This can cause surprising errors. For example, fl.A == 'a1' & fl.B == 'b1' will report error because it is interpreted as fl.A == ('a1' & fl.B) == 'b1'. For this reason, it is safer to use the first approach, or the constructor with a list of conditions. If you still want to use &, make sure you use () to surround the field conditions such as: (fl.A == 'a1') & (fl.B == 'b1').

The above two yield the same result. But the first approach can be more efficient because the second approach creates one intermediate immutable condition object for each two conditions.

Or Condition

An Or condition can be created by a constructor with a list of conditions.

In [29]: or1 = Or(
   ....:         [
   ....:    >= pd.to_datetime('20000101'),
   ....:             fl.C != ('c3 c5'.split()),
   ....:         ]
   ....:     )

or by using | operator:

In [30]: or2 = ( >= pd.to_datetime('20000101')) | (fl.C != ('c3 c5'.split()))

In [31]: or2
Out[31]: Or([fl.C != ('c3','c5'), >= T('2000-01-01 00:00:00')])

The above two yield the same result. But the first approach can be more efficient because the second approach creates one intermediate immutable condition object for each two conditions.


Although it seems | is more convenient, it is a bitwise operator and its precedence is higher than ==, >= and etc.. This can cause surprising errors. For example, fl.A == 'a1' & fl.B == 'b1' will report error because it is interpreted as fl.A == ('a1' | fl.B) == 'b1'. For this reason, it is safer to use the first approach, or the constructor with a list of conditions. If you still want to use |, make sure you use () to surround the field conditions such as: (fl.A == 'a1') | (fl.B == 'b1').



A condition object is immutable after construction. You can use it in multi threads safely.


A condition object can be serialized(or pickled) to storage or for network transport.

Equality Test

You can check if two condition objects are the same with ==. Note that for sub conditions and collection values, order does not matter as shown below.

In [32]: (fl.A == ['a1', 'a5']) == (fl.A == ('a5', 'a1'))
Out[32]: True

In [33]: cond1 = And([fl.A == ['a1', 'a5'], fl.C == {'c2', 'c4'}])

In [34]: cond2 = And([fl.C == ('c4', 'c2'), fl.A == ('a5', 'a1')])

In [35]: cond1 == cond2
Out[35]: True


You can use hash() to get a hashcode for a condition object. Therefore a condition object can be used as a key in a dict and set. The hashcode is also order independent as for the equality test.

Non Standard Field Names

If a field name is not a valid identifier, for example, “with space”, “”, in FieldList, it will be converted to an identifier by replacing special characters with “_”. When there is a conflict, a number is added to make it unique. The above names become fl.with_space, fl.state_ca. Alternatively, you can get the field with the name directly, fl["with space"] or Field("with space").

The original field name will be enclosed with " (double quote) when sql is rendered or ` (backtick) when to_df_query() is rendered. On the other hand, to_pyarrow_filter() needs no special treatment.

For sql, different DB may need different way to enclose such names, if your DB needs a different way to enclose special columns, you have two choices:

  1. Use dbmap;

  2. Set SQL_ID_DELIM_LEFT and SQL_ID_DELIM_RIGHT env variables.

See below examples:

In [36]: fl = FieldList(["13abc", "with space", "", "params.p1"])

In [37]:
Out[37]: '13abc'

In [38]:
Out[38]: 'with space'

In [39]: fl["with space"].name
Out[39]: 'with space'

In [40]:
Out[40]: ''

In [41]:
Out[41]: 'params.p1'

In [42]: c = (fl.with_space > 2)

In [43]: print(c.to_df_query())
(`with space` > 2)

In [44]: print(c.to_sql_where_condition())
"with space" > 2

# option 1
In [45]: print(c.to_sql_where_condition(db_map={"with space" : "`with space`"}))
`with space` > 2

# option 2
In [46]: os.environ["SQL_ID_DELIM_LEFT"] = "["

In [47]: os.environ["SQL_ID_DELIM_RIGHT"] = "]"

In [48]: print(c.to_sql_where_condition())
[with space] > 2

And, Or Flatten

To simplify the condition object, when you create a nested And or Or condition, The structure is automatically flattened. It means that A and (B and (C and D))) is flattened to A and B and C and D. Similarly, A or (B or (C or D))) is flattened to A or B or C or D.


In [49]: fl = FieldList.from_df(df)

In [50]: Or(
   ....:         [
   ....:             Or([ >= pd.to_datetime('20000101'),
   ....:                 fl.C != ('c3 c5'.split())]),
   ....:             Or([fl.A=='a1']),
   ....:             fl.B == 'b2'
   ....:         ]
   ....:     )
Out[50]: Or([fl.A = 'a1', fl.B = 'b2', fl.C != ('c3','c5'), >= T('2000-01-01 00:00:00')])

In [51]: And(
   ....:         [
   ....:             And([ >= pd.to_datetime('20000101'),
   ....:                 fl.C != ('c3 c5'.split())]),
   ....:             And([fl.A=='a1']),
   ....:             fl.B == 'b2'
   ....:         ]
   ....:     )
Out[51]: And([fl.A = 'a1', fl.B = 'b2', fl.C != ('c3','c5'), >= T('2000-01-01 00:00:00')])

As shown above, a nested And or Or condition is automatically flattened to be a single level And or Or condition.


The method normalize() converts the condition to be one of the following:

  • a FieldCondition

  • an And with a list of sub FieldCondition

  • an Or with a list of sub conditions as defined above.

In some cases, e.g., pyarrow filtering, the above restrictions must be followed. Any condition can be normalized to the above form in an equalivent way.

See below example and also its visualiation in the next section:

In [52]: cond1 = And([
   ....:     fl.A == 'a1',
   ....:     Or([
   ....:         fl.B == 'b1',
   ....:         fl.C == 'c1',
   ....:         And([
   ....:             fl.value >= 3,
   ....:             fl.value <= 5
   ....:         ])
   ....:     ]),
   ....:     Or([
   ....:         fl.B == 'b2',
   ....:         fl.C == 'c2'
   ....:     ])
   ....: ])

In [53]: print(cond1)

			(value <= 5
			and value >= 3)
		or B = 'b1'
		or C = 'c1')
		(B = 'b2'
		or C = 'c2')
	and A = 'a1')

In [54]: print(cond1.normalize())

		(A = 'a1'
		and B = 'b1'
		and B = 'b2')
		(A = 'a1'
		and B = 'b1'
		and C = 'c2')
		(A = 'a1'
		and B = 'b2'
		and C = 'c1')
		(A = 'a1'
		and B = 'b2'
		and value <= 5
		and value >= 3)
		(A = 'a1'
		and C = 'c1'
		and C = 'c2')
		(A = 'a1'
		and C = 'c2'
		and value <= 5
		and value >= 3))


You can visaulize the condition structure with cond.visualize() method. It requires an extra package graphviz in your system environment. See graphviz for installation instructions.

cond1 visualization

The cond1 in the previous section

cond1 normalized visualization

The visualization of cond1.normalize().

String <=> Condition

As mentioned before, when printed, a condition’s __str__ method is called which returns a SQL where condition clause. When directly referenced or repr() is called, it returns a string which can be parsed back to a condition. In the repr format, T() is for converting a str to a datetime. The parse() method is safe in that no irrelvant function/class can be called in the string. When called, a fl: FieldList variable must be presented, although the variable name can be customized.


In [55]: fl = FieldList(['date', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'value'])

In [56]: cond1 = Condition.parse("(fl.A>T('20000101')) & (fl.B==['b1', 'b2'])  & (fl.C>=100)")

In [57]: cond1
Out[57]: And([fl.A > T('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), fl.B == ('b1','b2'), fl.C >= 100])

In [58]: Condition.parse("And([fl.A>T('20000101'), fl.B==['b1', 'b2'], fl.C>=100])")
Out[58]: And([fl.A > T('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), fl.B == ('b1','b2'), fl.C >= 100])

In [59]: Condition.parse(repr(cond1))
Out[59]: And([fl.A > T('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), fl.B == ('b1','b2'), fl.C >= 100])

In [60]: try:
   ....:     Condition.parse("dir()")   # unsafe call should result in an error.
   ....: except:
   ....:     print("An error")
An error

Split of a Condition

The method split() splits the condition to a new condition which only contains the passed in fields. This method is used in the following scenario:

  1. A combined data item is joined from two or more sub data sources.

  2. The condition is defined on the combined data.

  3. Use this method to get a split condition to be applied to the sub data sources with the fields list in the sub data sources.

  4. After the data is joined, apply the original condition on the combined data.

See the below example:

In [61]: cond = And(
   ....:     [
   ....:         fl.A == "a1",
   ....:         Or([fl.B == "b1", fl.C == "c1", And([fl.value >= 3, fl.value <= 5])]),
   ....:         Or([fl.B == "b2", fl.C == "c2"]),
   ....:     ]
   ....: )

In [62]: cond1 = cond.split('notExisted')

In [63]: assert cond1 == EMPTY_CONDITION

In [64]: cond2 = cond.split(["A"])

In [65]: print(cond2)
A = 'a1'

In [66]: cond3 = cond.split(["B", "C"])

In [67]: print(cond3)

	(B = 'b2'
	or C = 'c2')

In the above example:

  1. cond1 does not contain any field in cond, so it is split to an empty condition which means no row will be filtered out.

  2. cond2 only contains field A, so it is split to the first sub condition fl.A == "a1".

  3. cond3 does not contain field value, therefore, And([fl.value >= 3, fl.value <= 5])] is ignored and assumed to be True, then the first Or condition is evaluated to True. Thus only the second Or condition is kept.

Usage Contexts


The eval() method evaluates the condition to True or False against the data record you provide. The data record maps from a field to a value to be compared with the FieldCondition’s. Optionally, you can ask it to convert value in record_dict to the FieldCondition value type before comparision. Sometimes such conversion is needed, for example, in pyarrow partition filtering.

Note that if you have a large number of records, the recommended way to evaluate all of them in batch mode is to create a pandas DataFrame from the records and then call condition.query(df). You can install numexpr package for much faster performance.

For example, the below code implements hive partition filtering:

In [68]: paths = [
   ....:             'A=a1/B=b1/C=c1',
   ....:             'A=a2/B=b1/C=c1',
   ....:             'A=a3/B=b1/C=c2',
   ....:         ]

In [69]: def path2record(path):
   ....:     return {p.split('=')[0]:p.split('=')[1] for p in path.split('/')}

In [70]: field_list = FieldList('A B C'.split())

In [71]: cond = And([
   ....:     field_list.A == ('a1 a3'.split()),
   ....:     field_list.C == 'c2',
   ....:     field_list.B != 'b2',
   ....: ])

In [72]: records = {p:path2record(p) for p in paths}

In [73]: records
{'A=a1/B=b1/C=c1': {'A': 'a1', 'B': 'b1', 'C': 'c1'},
 'A=a2/B=b1/C=c1': {'A': 'a2', 'B': 'b1', 'C': 'c1'},
 'A=a3/B=b1/C=c2': {'A': 'a3', 'B': 'b1', 'C': 'c2'}}

In [74]: filtered_path = [p for p, record in records.items() if cond.eval(record, type_conversion=True)]

In [75]: filtered_path
Out[75]: ['A=a3/B=b1/C=c2']

Dataframe.query Usage

After you create the condition, you can use it to query a dataframe.

In [76]: and2.to_df_query() # format as a df query string.
Out[76]: "((A in ('a1','a3'))&(C not in ('c3','c5'))&(date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00')&(date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00'))"

In [77]: res = df.query(and2.to_df_query())

In [78]: res.tail()
date       A  B  C           
2000-01-31 a3 b4 c2  0.175453
                 c4 -0.140285
              b5 c1 -0.203486
                 c2 -0.022966
                 c4 -1.172385


In [79]: res = and2.query(df)

In [80]: res.tail()
date       A  B  C           
2000-01-31 a3 b4 c2  0.175453
                 c4 -0.140285
              b5 c1 -0.203486
                 c2 -0.022966
                 c4 -1.172385

Pyarrow Partition Filtering

The condition can be converted to and from a pyarrow filter. The filter is passed to pyarrow.parquet.ParquetDataset or pandas.read_parquet() in order to read only the selected partitions, thereby increase efficiency.

In contrast with the strict structure for pyarrow filters, any condition can be converted to pyarrow filters. The condition will be normalized first to comply with pyarrow requirements.


Please note that if a field is not a partition key, its condition will be silently ignored. You should follow up with condition.query(df) to filter out unnecessary rows.


In [81]: import tempfile

In [82]: and1 = And(
   ....:         [
   ....:    >= pd.to_datetime('20000101'),
   ....:    <= pd.to_datetime('20000131'),
   ....:             fl.A == ('a1 a3'.split()),
   ....:             fl.C != ('c3 c5'.split()),
   ....:         ]
   ....:     )

# convert to pyarrow filter
In [83]: and1.to_pyarrow_filter()
[('A', 'in', {'a1', 'a3'}),
 ('C', 'not in', {'c3', 'c5'}),
 ('date', '<=', Timestamp('2000-01-31 00:00:00')),
 ('date', '>=', Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'))]

# convert back from pyarrow filter
In [84]: cond = Condition.from_pyarrow_filter(and1.to_pyarrow_filter())

In [85]: print(cond)

	(A in ('a1','a3')
	and C not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00')

In [86]: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as t:
   ....:     df = df.reset_index()
   ....:     df.to_parquet(t, partition_cols=['A', 'C'])
   ....:     res = pd.read_parquet(t, filters=and1.to_pyarrow_filter())
   ....:     assert set(res.A.unique()) == set(['a1', 'a3'])
   ....:     assert set(res.C.unique()) ^ set(['c3', 'c5'])
   ....:     res2 = and1.query(res)
   ....:     assert == pd.to_datetime('20000101')
   ....:     assert == pd.to_datetime('20000131')

Usage Context Extension

The above usage contexts, even visualize(), are actually implemented as plug-ins to the condition package. A plug-in is an implementation of ConditionApplication which defines behaviors such as on_start, applyFieldCondition, applyAndCondition, applyOrCondition and on_end. You can create your own plug-in by following existing examples. Once you are done, you can optionally register_application to use it as if it were built in the Condition class. See for examples.

SQL Generation

Basic SQL

The condition can be used to generate sql. condition.sql package contains a method to render jinja2 sql template. You need to install jinja2 package before you use it.

In [87]: from condition.sql import render_sql

In [88]: sql = """
   ....:     select *
   ....:     from my_table
   ....:     where {{where_condition}}
   ....: """

In [89]: print(render_sql(sql, and1))

    select *
    from my_table
	(A in ('a1','a3')
	and C not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00')

In this example, where_condition is replaced with a sql clause constructed from this condition.

SQL with Column Mappings

The fields and the table columns may not be the same. Also in sql, you may need to use table alias. In those cases, you can specify a dbmap parameter as a dict from a field name to a db column name.

In [90]: and2 = and1 & (Field("id") == 'id1')

In [91]: print(and2)

	(A in ('a1','a3')
	and C not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00'
	and id = 'id1')

In [92]: sql = """
   ....:     select *
   ....:     from my_table t1, my_table2 t2
   ....:     where
   ....: =
   ....:     and {{where_condition}}
   ....: """

In [93]: print(render_sql(sql, and2, {'A' : 't1.col1', 'C': 't2.col2', 'id': ''}))

    select *
    from my_table t1, my_table2 t2
    where =
	(t1.col1 in ('a1','a3')
	and t2.col2 not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00'
	and = 'id1')

SQL with Split Conditions

The split() method can be used in sql when the sql joins multiple sub queries.

In [94]: fl = FieldList('a b c d e'.split())

In [95]: cond = And([
   ....:     fl.a == ['a1','a2'],
   ....:     fl.b > 30,
   ....:     fl.d != ['d1', 'd2']
   ....: ])

In [96]: sql = """
   ....:     select t1.a, b, c, d, e
   ....:     from
   ....:         (select a, b, c
   ....:          from my_table
   ....:          where {{ condition.split(['a','b','c']) }}
   ....:          ) as t1
   ....:     join
   ....:         (select a, d, e
   ....:          from my_table2
   ....:          where {{ condition.split(['a','d','e']) }}
   ....:          ) as t2
   ....:         on t1.a==t2.a
   ....:     where {{condition.to_sql_where_condition(db_map=dict(a='t1.a'))}}
   ....:     """

In [97]: print(render_sql(sql, cond))

    select t1.a, b, c, d, e
        (select a, b, c
         from my_table
	(a in ('a1','a2')
	and b > 30)
         ) as t1
        (select a, d, e
         from my_table2
	(a in ('a1','a2')
	and d not in ('d1','d2'))
         ) as t2
        on t1.a==t2.a
	(t1.a in ('a1','a2')
	and b > 30
	and d not in ('d1','d2'))

# handle empty condition
In [98]: cond = And([
   ....:     fl.d != ['d1', 'd2']
   ....: ])

In [99]: print(render_sql(sql, cond))

    select t1.a, b, c, d, e
        (select a, b, c
         from my_table
         ) as t1
        (select a, d, e
         from my_table2
         where d not in ('d1','d2')
         ) as t2
        on t1.a==t2.a
	(d not in ('d1','d2'))

SQL with Custom Parameters

For sql, additional parameters can be set and used in the jinja2 sql template to achieve additional control.

In [100]: and1.set_param('use_join_clause', True)

In [101]: sql = """
   .....:     select *
   .....:     from my_table as t1
   .....:     {% if use_join_clause -%}
   .....:     join my_table2 t2 on
   .....:     {%- endif %}
   .....:     where {{where_condition}}
   .....:     """

In [102]: print(render_sql(sql, and1))

    select *
    from my_table as t1
    join my_table2 t2 on
	(A in ('a1','a3')
	and C not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00')

Now let’s turn use_join_clause off.

In [103]: and1.set_param('use_join_clause', False)

In [104]: print(render_sql(sql, and1))

    select *
    from my_table as t1
	(A in ('a1','a3')
	and C not in ('c3','c5')
	and date <= '2000-01-31 00:00:00'
	and date >= '2000-01-01 00:00:00')

As you can see, this clause join my_table2 t2 on is gone.

SQL with Like Condition

You may have noticed that a common sql condition, like, is not supported. It is because this project is geared toward dataframe.query() which does not support like. However, it is possible to use the custom parameters to work around the limitation for sql as shown below:

In [105]: and1 = And()

In [106]: and1.set_param('col_A_like', 'Par%s')

In [107]: sql = """
   .....:     select *
   .....:     from my_table as t1
   .....:     where col_A like '{{col_A_like}}'
   .....:     """

In [108]: print(render_sql(sql, and1))

    select *
    from my_table as t1
    where col_A like 'Par%s'

This is the end. Hopefully you can find the condition package is useful to you.